Canada to change copyright term

Canada to change copyright term

By Jaimie Bordman The length of the term of copyright protection in Canada is going up. Canada’s budget implementation bill contains amendments to the Copyright Act that will extend the term of copyright. The new term length will be the life of the author, plus 70...

Cipo publishes first determinations related to due care

Cipo publishes first determinations related to due care

By Ashley Chu The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) recently published its first determinations regarding due care. Since the amendments to the Patent Act and Patent Rules came into force on October 30, 2019, applicants and patentees have been required to...

SUBWAY wins injunction against budway cannabis shop

By Jaimie BORDMAN It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. This provides little comfort to the owners of famous brands, however, since “imitation” can cause serious problems such as confused customers and erosion of the brand owner’s valuable...

Federal court of appeal upholds site-blocking order

Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Site-Blocking Order by Ashley Chu The Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) has upheld an unprecedented site-blocking order issued by the Federal Court. In 2019, the Federal Court issued an order requiring a number of Canadian Internet service...

Cipo publishes first determinations related to due care

Federal court provides guidance on fair dealing in copyright law

Federal Court Provides Guidance on Fair Dealing in Copyright Law by Jaimie Bordman The Federal Court has recently provided guidance on the issue of fair dealing with copyright works, dismissing a claim of copyright infringement brought by Canada’s national broadcaster...

Cipo publishes first determinations related to due care

Managing the trademark backlog

Jaimie Bordman has prepared a summary of two recent Practice Notices published by the Canadian IP Office. You can read the summary LEARN MORE. CANADA IP UPDATE: CIPO PRACTICE NOTICES RE: TM BACKLOG Since 2019, when the Trademarks Branch of the Canadian Intellectual...

Cipo publishes first determinations related to due care

Canada’s budget 2021

On April 19, 2021, Canada tabled its first Budget in two years.  The budget titled A Recovery Plan for Jobs, Growth, and Resilience is clearly responding to the economic impacts of the pandemic on many sectors across the country.  The Budget includes new IP related...

Cipo publishes first determinations related to due care

Sainta t-shirt challenge

SAINTA T-shirt Challenge – we challenge you to submit photos of you (or your significant other) wearing a Moffat & Co. SAINTA t-shirt. To get you started, click here to view a few of our colleagues wearing their selected attire. Please submit your photos to Andy...


We have a diverse client base including local inventors and businesses, as well as multinational corporations. We represent the intellectual property interests of our clients in over 200 countries.


Our professionals have advanced degrees in many fields such as engineering, law, business, and science, and we believe having a strong personal life is good for our business. It’s part of the firm outlook. At any given time, there is likely to be a Moffat & Co. professional arguing a case, another drafting a patent claim, and a third trekking across a glacier or perfecting a soufflé.